Preventing occupational
ill health is a key focus for HSE. Many more workers become ill
from occupational health issues than ever die from workplace

However, the health challenges in workplaces are many and
varied. Their long latency can make them appear difficult to
identify and manage and the health of the working population is not
solely related to workplace conditions.

That said, these are not reasons to do nothing.

Not only is it a legal requirement to protect the health of your
workers, improving your management of worker health and wellbeing
also brings tangible business benefits and protects your most
important asset: your reputation.

Although protecting the health and wellbeing of workers makes
sound business sense, we often find that organisations don’t know
where to begin or are wasting money on ineffective health

As the governments’ chief occupational health adviser, we have
expertise in the causes of work-related ill health and the measures
which can prevent or minimise it.

We work with organisations to help them understand and improve
the health risk management of their workers, helping them apply the
hierarchy of control to distinguish between what they must, should
and could do.

Our Complete Worker Health Solutions

Let our experts help you take an empowered approach to managing

Our Complete Worker Health approach offers an impartial overview
of your health strategy. We will work with you to provide the tools
and knowledge you need to devise a tailored, sustainable plan that
will lead your organisation towards health risk management

Controlling Substances
Hazardous to Health (COSHH

How we can help you fulfil your requirements.

Exposure Management

Assessment and control, measurement and health consequences.


Neck, shoulder, back and arm pain. MSDs, manual handling,
working from home including use of display screen equipment.

Occupational Lung Disease

We have expert teams in ventilation, dustiness, asbestos, fibres
and dust.

Stress, Depression,
Anxiety and Mental Ill Health

How we can help you manage the risk

Health Psychology

Human factors, Ergonomics, fatigue, slips, trips and falls,
improving human performance, leadership, culture, worker