The UK has set a world-leading net zero target to address the
inter-generational challenge of climate change: we were the first
major economy to take decisive action and make it a legal
obligation to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050 – 2045 for

Positive action towards these targets is set out in the Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial
, the Net Zero Strategy, the
BEIS Energy White Paper
, the Scottish Government’s
Hydrogen Policy Statement
and the National Infrastructure Strategy, which all
make it clear that we will need both a diverse mix of low carbon
energy technologies, plus a rapid acceleration of their development
and deployment, in order to meet our targets.

From a health and safety perspective, the scale and speed of the
changes required means we must pay even greater attention to
keeping consumers and industry safe from new risks, not forgetting
those that existed before.

Proactively ‘designing-in’ safety as part of the core
technological development is imperative if we are to get it right
first time and introduce the energy technologies and regulatory
frameworks of the future ‘better, greener and faster’.

HSE’s Safe Net Zero solutions integrate health and safety into
the development and deployment of the new and novel technologies
underpinning the UK’s decarbonisation activities.

We combine our regulatory insight, our world class science and
engineering capabilities and our experience, learned from over a
century of accident analysis, process safety development and major
accident hazard and risk management as part of Great Britain’s
health and safety regulator, and apply it to the deployment of new
technology, or novel use of existing technology, with the aim of
making the transition to net zero as safe as possible, as fast as

How can we help?

low carbon hydrogen

lithium ion battery technology

Zero emission vehicles

Jet zero


Contact us for help with new energy

If your business is based in the energy sector and you’d like to
benefit from HSE’s expertise to design in health and safety for new
and innovative energy technologies, please contact:

Dr Stuart Hawksworth on +44 (0)203 028 2212 or

with Stuart on LinkedIn

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